Every 20 rounds a boss will be spawning. Player will need to kill the boss in order to continue the journey.

Boss chicken can launch golden eggs at the player which can deal damage (1 heart).

Boss also grants more points that a regular enemies.

Images used:

Golden egg –
Chicken boss –

DropBox Link:

Settings screen

Settings screen

Let’s tap on “Settings” screen and see what happens!

Players can change these settings to their own preferences at any time, but what’s most important about this screen is the “Game progress” button, that shows the user what is the highest round they have ever got to.

Images used:

Settings background –

DropBox Link:

Main screen (Game)

Main screen (Game)

Once we tapped “Start” button. This is the next screen that comes up. It is the actual game where all the magic will be happening.

The mechanics of the game has been described in the previous posts and they remain the same.

You can see the power-up(Sushi) and the upgraded stars on the right.

Images used:

Main screen background –
Power up –
All the throwing stars- Google search “maplestory throwing stars”

DropBox Link:

Menu Screen (Photoshop version)

Menu Screen (Photoshop version)

This is my menu screen. It looks just the same as it looked on the paper. I have also found interesting background, so the user’s attention is drawn towards the buttons in the middle.

User is of course able to tap on any of the buttons, each button will take the player to different screen.

Lets tap on START button!

Images used:

Background image (menu screen)-

DropBox link:

Logo (Photoshop version)

Logo (Photoshop version)

I have started by creating a logo for my application using Photoshop. Logo should illustrate what the game is about so anyone who would be looking at this logo would know right away what the game is about and what they can expect to see.

Images used:

Throwing star (Logo) –
Chicken ( Logo) –

DropBox link:

Mechanics of the game.

Mechanics of the game

This is how my game is going to work. This is just a brief image of how the user will be able to interact with the interface.

Life counter – During boss fights boss chicken will be to launch golden eggs at the player. If the player will get hit, one heart will be deducted.

Score – Each killed enemy will grant points for the player.

Enemy spawn – Enemies will spawn on the top of the screen and slowly approaching the bottom of the screen.

Power-ups – From time to time, power-ups in form of sushi will be dropping from the top of the screen.
– After gathering 3 power-ups, player will receive a new, upgraded throwing star that deals twice as much damage.
– After gathering 10 power-ups player will receive a new throwing start that deals triple damage.

Player – Users will be able to tap anywhere along the line to move and shoot the stars from this location.

Round counter – Each round the chickens will get stronger.
– After 20 rounds, boss chicken will spawn

DropBox Link:

Settings + Main screen ( Game ) Paper version.

Settings + Main screen ( Game ) Paper version.

This is my initial design for the settings screen and the main screen of the game.

Settings screen

– Players will be able to adjust any settings to their own preferences.

Main screen

– This is how main screen is going to look like.
– This screen will contain following features:
– Life counter
– Score
– Enemies along the top
– Power ups in the form of sushi.
– Player shooting stars on the bottom of the screen.
– Pause button
– Round counter
– Menu button

DproBox link:

Tutorial and Highscores (Paper version)

Tutorial and Highscores (Paper version)

This is my initial design for tutorial screen as well as the high score screen.

Tutorial Screen

– Player will be able to access the screen to learn how to play this game.
– There are going to be arrows on the screen pointing at the essential elements of the interface so the user will get the rough idea of what is going on in this game.

High scores screen

– Name of the application on the top.
– There will be a ranking table in the middle. Players will be able to check their position in the world.

DropBox link: